O’Connor Richardson Professional Corporation Legal Blog

Court of Appeal sends fraudulent conveyance and oppression claims for fresh trial

Transferring assets in the lead-up to an insolvency could expose debtors to two similar, but distinct claims from their creditors these being claims for oppression and fraudulent conveyance.
Disposing of assets on the eve of insolvency is likely to be met with a claim for oppression, fraudulent conveyance or both, especially if the transfers were made in the face of a legal claim from one of your creditors.
The test for fraudulent conveyance is potentially an easier one for creditors to meet than the one for oppression.

$350K deposit returned to purchaser who terminated commercial property deal

Any buyer who terminates a binding Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) should expect the vendor to move for the forfeiture of their deposit immediately. In a depressed market, an innocent seller may even be entitled to further damages to make up the difference between the sale price agreed in the failed deal and any lower bid they ultimately accept.

However, purchasers who successfully shift the blame for the collapsed deal to the vendor may be able to recover their deposit, even if they were the ones to call it off.

Why default judgment is not necessarily the end of a case

A party might end up with a default judgment against them in a civil case for all kinds of reasons. However, courts are generally inclined to be forgiving when a party can present a reasonable excuse for their previous delinquent behaviour. The bottom line for defendants who can provide a reasonable explanation for their own default and any delay in bringing the motion to set aside is that they stand a very good chance of success.

Risks and Rewards by Notice of Application

Rule 14.05(3) of Ontario’s Rules of Civil Procedure sets out the circumstances when a matter can proceed by way of application, allowing the judge to decide a discrete issue or potentially even the entire case based entirely on a paper record and oral arguments, without hearing from any live witnesses.

In the appropriate case, this allows the parties to circumvent some of the worst aspects of litigation: the costs and scheduling delays associated with discoveries and a full trial.

However, the process is not without risks. Judges retain the ability to convert an application into an action, which means that you could end up right back where you started if the court concludes that further evidence is required.

Construction Lien FAQs

General contractors are among the most common users of the construction lien process, but Ontario’s Construction Act opens the door to any person under contract who has supplied services or materials for the “improvement” of the property, which could include alterations, additions, repair work, or even complete or partial demolition.

Courts, consent and STI: A look at legal outcomes

It is clear that judges are prepared to award damages to those who can prove that they acquired a sexual infection from a person who knew they were a carrier and failed to be up-front about their sexual health.

Courts will look at various factors to determine whether damages are warranted, including the age of the person, the timing of other sexual relationships and any other health risks associated with the particular disease, such as the permanent nature of a herpes infection.

Judge adds buyer’s realtor to lawsuit over aborted real estate deal

Plaintiffs typically feel they have a good idea of how they have been wronged by a defendant when they file a statement of claim with the court. However, as time passes and more details emerge, key aspects of the originating document may no longer line up with the known facts. Luckily, Ontario’s Rules of Civil Procedure recognize that possibility, allowing parties — in the right circumstances — to amend the pleadings to match their evolving understanding of the case.